Each year, Clan Graham is honored to have the opportunity to award a scholarship. Selection of the scholarship is based on a number of factors with special emphasis on each individual's character, personal merit, and background. Merit is demonstrated in a variety of ways including academic achievement; leadership in school, civil, and other extracurricular activities; and motivation to serve and succeed in all endeavors.
A student may apply for a scholarship if he/she is:
1. currently a full-time secondary school senior or current college/university student pursuing an undergraduate degree
2. planning to pursue a degree at an accredited post-secondary institution
3. has an average of 80 (or letter grade equivalent) or better
4. can prove John Graham and Mary Pennington ancestry
5. the applicant's immediate family for which he/she is a legal dependent must be paying current dues to Clan Graham, otherwise the applicant must pay dues personally. To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant's dues must be paid no later than April 1st of the year for which the application is being submitted.
6. additional requirements (see application)
Money for the scholarships are raised through donations and auctions at the annual reunion. If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, our treasurer would be happy to assist you. If you would like to apply for the scholarship, download the application from the following link.